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latest best day ever:

With the advent of web 2.0, the Internet has become host to vast amounts of our personal data. Despite the widespread successes that companies like Google, or Amazon have had aggregating and deriving value from our personal data, there are relatively few ways for individuals to similarly enrich their lives with this information. One reason for this is that we don't generally find statistics to be emotionally meaningful, and statistics are often how we try to understand large quantities of data. In fact, statistics are the opposite of emotionally meaningful, intentionally removing the uniqueness and humanity from each case they examine. Because of this disconnect, many Internet users only employ web 2.0 services to interact with their circle of friends, and friends of friends, rarely venturing out into the masses of public information that exist online. Is this how it has to be? Can masses of information be used to create something relevant at a personal level?

Best Day Ever is a compilation of our happiness.

Each day at 6:30pm EST a computer program automatically searches twitter for the phrase “best day ever”, picks a sentiment at random from the results, and re-tweets its choice as its own. Following Best Day Ever's updates is like having a friend who is always having the greatest day of their life.

Best Day Ever challenges the data-aggregate model by finding personal and humanistic meaning in the masses of data posted to twitter every second, and delivering this meaning in a way that is relatable and not overwhelming.

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